Thanks, this is a good intro to explain the philosophy behind the layers, I have been asked why do we need so many layers and where I should put the data in.
I agree the template would be helpful especially for new joiner, the overhead of ‘choosing one folder out of eight’ is lower than ‘where should I put this data, should I create a new folder?’
From my experience, I don’t have crazily big kedro project so I end up not using all the folder, and most folder only contains a few files at most. So it feels a bit verbose soemtime.
Also, once I start to chain pipleinestogether, the definition of intermediate or output can be changed. It no longer follows the nice waterfall data model going from 01 – 08. We end up with a messy kedro viz. I totally agree with the philosophy, but I have not found it helps too much yet.
Would be interesred to hear your experience!